TechWiz LCD
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TechWiz Series
- TechWiz LCD 1D
- TechWiz LCD 1D is LCD simulation software in 1D. It is used for optical film design and color analysis by simulation results including 1D LC distribution, transmittance, reflectance, and polarization analysis.
- TechWiz LCD 2D
- TechWiz LCD 2D is LCD simulation software in 2D. It enables to generate a 2D structure based on the mask layout, and is specialized in analyzing the IPS, FFS, PVA simulations.
- TechWiz LCD 3D
- TechWiz LCD 3D is LCD simulation software in 3D. Users can easily create a 3D structure by mask layout with process recipe. Electro-optical properties by LC distribution can be identified for optimal design and defect analysis of display panels.
- TechWiz OLED
- TechWiz OLED is OLED simulation software in 1D. It can be performed OLED luminous efficiency simulations considering micro-cavity effect.
TechWiz DB
TechWiz DB is a very efficient database program that enables to manage data for executing the simulations. It comprises a developed database system, which is classified as Material, Layer, Light Source, Signal, Gamma Curve, and TFT Model parts. In addition, measurement data from AxoScan, EZContrast, and Spectrometer could be imported and utilized in the simulations. It means that engineers can easily edit, modify, or combine internal database information using a simple lookup file or add the user-defined data materials as well.
- User-friendly DB management environment - Material / Layer / Light Source / Signal / Gamma Curve / TFT Model
- Advanced data-managing solution - Multi-domain / color filter layers
- Two axes analysis and decomposition functions for AxoScan data
- Retardance data in a XY map format
- Mueller matrix transformation and decomposition - Depolarization / Retardation / Diattenuation
- Loading measurement data from AxoScan / EZContrast / Spectrometer
- Importing LC profiles from TechWiz LCD 2D & 3D
Measured data from Axoscan can be loaded as a Mueller matrix format and utilized in the simulations.
The data will be automatically divided into the Depolarizer / Retarder / Diattenuator terms through Two Axes Analysis and Decomposition functions.
In addition, Multi-domain Analysis which is capable of analyzing the phase difference and optical axis from each location is provided.
TechWiz LCD 1D
TechWiz LCD 1D is a powerful optical design tool for LCD, OLED panels and optical films in 1D.
It is compatible with the commercial measurement machines (AxoScan, EZContrast, Spectrometer) and simulation results can be represented in various graphical forms including polarization state analysis, color analysis, and image reproduction.
- Electro-optical analysis of LC materials in 1D
- Various calculation results - LC Director Profiles / Transmittance / Reflectivity / Color / Image Reproduction
- Various voltage conditions for dynamic analysis of LC - DC, Floating, Signal, Multiple Sweep
- Reflective color analysis of OLED
- Various optic solvers (Extended Jones, Berreman, Mueller)
- Variational analysis through multi-core processor
- Tensor model (OCB mode)
- Real-time polarization analysis using Poincare sphere by LC arrangement
- Simulation of 3D display (glasses type)
- PBS(polarization beam splitter) function
- Multi Reflection through bottom reflection function
TechWiz LCD 1D makes it easy to define the 1D structure by drag-and-drop. By analyzing overall simulation results, engineers can easily evaluate the electro-optical properties of the display panel and identify the causes of defects in a short time. It is a suitable simulation software to design and analyze the multilayer optical films.
TechWiz Polar
TechWiz Polar is optimized in designing and analyzing the polarization states according to phase retardation of each layer.
It is very helpful to be used from the users who need to understand polarized light to specialized experts in the display industry.
- To control the color and brightness, the LCD uses the light modulation properties of the LC material combined with two polarizers. Therefore, polarization state analysis is a key process for designing high-quality LCD panels. Techwiz Polar shows real-time information of transmittance, E-field wave, retardance, and Poincare sphere for the polarization state.

TechWiz LCD 2D
TechWiz LCD 2D is highly specialized in analyzing the electro-optical characteristics of in-plane switching mode. The viewer program allows you to design mask layouts and visualize simulation results. In addition, the structure can be designed in real-time while creating a 2D structure, enabling engineers to clearly understand the shape of the model. The effective optical analysis is performed through advanced condition control for the simulation.
- Compatibility with measurement machines
- Various structural parameters for simulation conditions - Sidewall Conditions / Degree of Planarization / Thickness / Local Rubbing Condition / Cross-section modeling / DOP / Thickness / Rubbing condition
- Various calculation results - LC Director Profile / E-field Distribution / Transmittance / Polarization / Color / Capacitance Calculation
- Various voltage condition for LC dynamics - DC, Floating, Signal, Multiple Sweep
- Optic solvers (Extended Jones, Berreman, Mueller, Hybrid Extended Jones)
- Multi-core process to speed up the mesh generation and simulation time
- Creation of the 2D project from TechWiz LCD 3D
- Multi-domain analysis with offset angle function
- Advanced color simulation including RGBW / RGBY
- Calculation of optical path by LC distribution
- Diffraction analysis
Engineers can extract 2D cross-section from the 3D model with ease to carry out the simulation. The compatibility between TechWiz Series provides a dynamic environment for fast and in-depth analysis of the specific simulation area.
TechWiz Ray 2D
To meet today's optical design requirements, TechWiz Ray 2D is a useful two-dimensional simulation software specialized in optical characterization using a ray-tracing technique. It helps to simulate optical performance with changing refractive index conditions due to LC distributions and optical stacks.
LC lens has become a very promising option with the advantages of small size and weight. LC lens is possible to vary the focal length within a limited space since the refractive index of LC materials can be tuned by the application of a voltage. We provide the advanced functions related to the LC lens analysis including calculation of optical path difference and focal length, LC director profile by the applied voltage, and retardation distribution.
TechWiz LCD 3D
TechWiz LCD 3D is a suite of high-quality professional tools for designing LCD panels in 3D. By generating the realistic 3D structure that replicates an actual deposition process, engineers can take advantage of the integrated electro-optical analysis such as RC extraction and LC director distribution by the applied voltage. It helps to effectively reduce time and cost for defect analysis in manufacturing and designing the LCD panel.
- Generation of 3D model with etching process
- Electro-optical analysis functions - LC Director Profile / E-field Distribution / Transmittance / Polarization state / Color / Image Reproduction
- Optic solvers (Extended Jones, Berreman, Mueller method, Quasi-3D)
- Multi-core process to speed up the mesh generation and simulation time
- User-defined area simulation
- Distributed simulation for various structure settings and voltage conditions
- Curing simulation in PSVA
- PDD(pseudo domain decomposition) algorithm to speed-up the simulation
- RC calculation
- Response simulation for driving frequency (60Hz, 120Hz, 240Hz, etc.)
- Advanced analysis of kick-back effect, current leakage, and flicker
- Tensor model (OCB / VA-IPS mode)
- Diffraction analysis of grating medium based on the far-field equation
- Multi Reflection through bottom reflection function
- Diffraction analysis
By using FEM(finite element method) for analyzing the properties of LC cells, TechWiz LCD 3D offers advanced analysis results of LCD panels considering the anisotropy of the refractive index and director distribution of LC.
TechWiz Layout
TechWiz Layout is optimized as a professional mask layout editor for designing and editing the mask layout which is necessary for the generation of 3D structures. It also offers flexible design functions compatible with GDSII data from commercial layout editors. Realistic 3D structures can be generated by mask layout and process information.
- Designing and editing the mask layout - Mask Operation / Digitize / Round / Expand In & Out / Repeat
- Compatibility with commercial layout editors - Importing and Exporting GDSII Files
- Rubbing condition control - Local Rubbing / Adaptivity / Partial Anchoring
- Various sidewall options for 3D structure
- Etching process function (Over Etch / Unselective Etch)
- Degree of planarization control and generation of conformal structures
- Setting the arbitrary polygonal regions for the simulation
- Stable 3D mesh generation for FEM and numerical analysis
TechWiz Layout allows us to design or edit the mask layout according to the real deposition process. An imported mask layout from other commercial layout editors could be used as well. With advanced 3D mesh technologies, an accurate 3D structure can be generated by integrating the 2D mask layout and applying the detailed process information.
TechWiz Viewer
TechWiz Viewer is an outstanding post-processor program for visualizing the simulation results by using the latest OpenGL.
Data can be plotted in various ways including 3D structure, LC director, and electro-optical properties through TechWiz LCD 3D.
It also provides an extracted and cross-sectional data considering wavelength and viewing angle.
TechWiz OLED
TechWiz OLED provides the light extraction efficiency according to the birefringence and dipole orientation of anisotropic materials such as anti-reflection films as well as luminous efficiency simulation considering the micro-cavity effect depends on the stacked structure of the OLED device. This enables optimization of efficiency OLED devices.
- OLED material and structure design considering a micro-cavity effect
- Analysis of multi-domain structure (transparent display) and multi-cell structure (RGB)
- Various color analysis results output function of OLED device including anisotropic material (CIEXYZ / CIELAB / Color Difference / Color contour)
- Simulation of internal optical energy flow (E & H field / Optical power / Optical absorption)
- Analysis of dipole orientation or specific polarization condition of emitter layer
- Light emitting efficiency simulation considering anisotropy such as polarizer and retarder film
- Transmittance and reflection simulation considering the back light source and external light source
- Analysis of tandem structure OLED device with multi-layer EML
- Modal analysis of OLED device, outcoupling efficiency analysis, dissipated power analysis
TechWiz OLED performs modal analysis, outcoupling efficiency, and dissipated power simulation considering the material and layered structure of OLED devices. It provides color analysis results as well as polarization results.